Water Polo Guide

  • Inspired by Ellie’s passion for her sport water polo we decided to create a guide for all clueless parents and spectators
  • The frontend design is simple and easy to use for the quick mid game searches

AI Feature

  • As a water polo player, Ellie is aware of the intricate rules that are a part of the game
  • The basis of the information will come from AI which will provide with the info
  • IE: you ask “why did the ref blow the whistle and the ball was given to the other players” and the AI will respond with what the rule is/what this means in water polo

Login Feature

  • Local games often go unreported on the few sites available (maxpreps)
  • To combat this we will have a login feature where you create your account and you are able to report the local games scores


Ellie - Backend - responsible for login and also helping with frontend design

Katelyn - Frontend/Scrum Master - Create design and all frontned

Ishraq- DevOps - will help with connecting login and AI