1.4 1 errors

logic error- mistake that causese it to behave incorrectly or unexpectedly 6 syntax error- mistake in program where rules of programming language arent found - common errors - missig colons, parenthesis, brackets run-time error - mistake in programming that occurs during execution of prorgam - languages degine their own runtime erors - aka a bug - ex : dividing by zero, wrong entered data type overflow error - occurs when a computer attemtos to handle a number outside of the defined range - asking program to do something it cant

  • part of the programming process

1.4 2 correcting errors

  • test cases
  • hand tracing
    • writing value of variables within the loop to determine if output is correct
  • visualizations
    • visual graphs
  • debuggers
    • use software designed to run a program and be paused at points
  • adding extra output statements
    • used to find the error but removed after
    • simialr to tracing but more computer work

1.4 3 testing and expecting output

  • programmers think about testing at the start of the development
  • refines and improves program