small notes to keep in mind

  • FIFO, first in first out, type of arrangment, elements inserted at the back and deleted from the front of the queue
  • push inserts element at the back of the queue, passed as a parameter
  • pop removes an element from the front of the queue and the size of the queue is decreased by one


  • Enter the all elements in queue
  • Then pop all elements into stack from queue
  • At last, pop all elements from stack and push it into queue
public class LinkedList<T> {
    private T data;
    private LinkedList<T> prevNode, nextNode;

     *  Constructs a new element
     * @param  data, data of object
     * @param  node, previous node
    public LinkedList(T data, LinkedList<T> node)

     *  Clone an object,
     * @param  node  object to clone
    public LinkedList(LinkedList<T> node)

     *  Setter for T data in DoubleLinkedNode object
     * @param  data, update data of object
    public void setData(T data)
    { = data;

     *  Returns T data for this element
     * @return  data associated with object
    public T getData()

     *  Setter for prevNode in DoubleLinkedNode object
     * @param node, prevNode to current Object
    public void setPrevNode(LinkedList<T> node)
        this.prevNode = node;

     *  Setter for nextNode in DoubleLinkedNode object
     * @param node, nextNode to current Object
    public void setNextNode(LinkedList<T> node)
        this.nextNode = node;

     *  Returns reference to previous object in list
     * @return  the previous object in the list
    public LinkedList<T> getPrevious()
        return this.prevNode;

     *  Returns reference to next object in list
     * @return  the next object in the list
    public LinkedList<T> getNext()
        return this.nextNode;


public class Stack<T> {

    private LinkedList<T> lifo = null;

    private LinkedList<T> upper;
    private int size;

    // constructor initiates null LinkedList<T> object + set size to 0
    public Stack() {
        this.upper = null;
        this.size = 0;

    // push method for a new element to the upper value
    public void push(T data) {
        lifo = new LinkedList<>(data, lifo);

    // peek method, return upper
    public T peek() {
         if (lifo == null)
            return null;
            return lifo.getData();

    // pop method, return upper and remove 
    public T pop() {
        T data = null;  // empty condition
        if (lifo != null) {
            data = lifo.getData();
            lifo = lifo.getPrevious();  // stack is overwritten with next item
        return data;    // pop always returns data of element popped

    // get size method
    public int size() {
        return this.size;

    // isEmpty method, compare size to 0
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return this.size == 0;

    // toString method, from top to bottom
    public String toString() {
      StringBuilder stackToString = new StringBuilder("[");

        LinkedList<T> node = lifo;  				// start from the back
        while (node != null)
            stackToString.append(node.getData()); 	// append the database to output string
            node = node.getPrevious();    		// go to previous node
            if (node != null)
                stackToString.append(", ");
        }										// loop 'till you reach the beginning
        return stackToString.toString();


public class Reverse {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
        // test stack with Integer wrapper class
        Stack<Integer> stacks = new Stack<Integer>();
        stacks.push(1); //adds a new node after the rear and moves the rear to the next node.



[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]