Primitives Data type with upper case is a wrapper but with lower case is a primitive Wrapper class has methods (built in code)

Images Put two squiggles and site base url in front of images

Bash Used for scripting Echo command- basically print statement for python Environment Tools set up guide and look for things to know right things are installed on machine Java- strong code j Puthon- weak code

Primitives Data type with upper case is a wrapper but with lower case is a primitive Wrapper class has methods (built in code)

Objects-Instances of classes

Class - a blueprint for creating objects with same behavior and defined attributes Object - specific entry made from a class, individual instances of classes with variables used to name them, can be manipulated in the program Has behaviors and attributes defined by the class used to create it They do not have an impact on one another (different objects) Can have 2 variables for one object Changing one will change both variables

Constructors are used to initialize the attributes for an object